A descriptive framework for the field of deep learning applications in medical images
Zhang Wenfan
How to define the “descriptive framework”? The work of this paper shows comprehensive analysis of historical papers, but this work is still a little confusing to me, why it could be called framework?
It is noticed that GAN is also used in the medical images analsis. Actually, in the medical industry, personal health senario is quite complex. Is it meaningful trying to train generative data by algorithm before we really understand the actual medical situation?
0.1 Deep Learning
Supervised Learning
Weakly Supervised Learning
Unsupervised learning
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning represents a learning method that uses data with manual annotation labels to train the network. For classification,image-level or patch-level labels are required.
. In the supervised setting, given datasets D = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), . . . , (xN , yN )}, the corresponding loss aims to minimize the distance between the predicted value y′ and the ground truth y, as Eq. (1).
Weakly Supervised Learning
Weakly supervised learning mainly consists of incomplete supervision, inexact supervision and inaccurate supervision [104], where incomplete supervision is more common in the medical field.
The datasets in incomplete supervision can be denoted as D = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), . . . , (xl, yl), xl+1, . . . , xN }, where only a small subset of labeled data is available.
Unsupervised learning
Unsupervised learning attempts to train a model with unlabeled data. The Generative unsupervised model is represented by Autoencoder (AE), Sparse Autoencoder (SAE) and Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), which focuses on pixel-level reconstruction error. However, pixel-level generation is computationally expensive. Recently,self-supervised learning (SSL) has become more and more popular.
Contrastive learning (CL) is a type of SSL, which has achieved great progress in computer vision, natural language processing and other fields. It hopes to distinguish different inputs in the feature space. The loss function is shown in formula (2) [108], aiming to measure the similarity between two features.
0.2 Convolutional neural network
Classification architectures
Object detection architectures
Segmentation architectures
At present, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is the most popular deep neural network for computer vision. The original deep network architecture used for image classification, object detection and segmentation was born based on CNN in supervised learning scenarios.
Almost all representative articles are based on CNN. The convolution layer consists of several convolution kernels (filters) and each can be expressed as a linear function in Eq.
Classification Architecture
For the classification task, there is only one object of a single category in an image/patch. The main process of classification is to feed images into a deep learning model, where the image-level/patch-level labels are required, and finally output the category or its corresponding probability of this image.
Object detection architectures
Medical image detection is an object detection task in deep learning, where there are multiple objects and categories in one image. Besides classifying images, the typic feature of object detection is locating the position or coordinates of an object with a bounding box.
Segmentation architectures
Deep learning-based segmentation can be divided into ordinary segmentation, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation. In the medical field, semantic segmentation is the most common. Compared with image classification and object detection, segmentation is more accurate and more complicated. It outputs pixel-level labels instead of image-level labels. Besides the bounding box, it can also output the exact boundary of the object (Fig. 7).
0.3 Recurrent neural network
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a neural network designed to process sequence data.
Finally, the output layer is only activated based on the hidden state of the last layer, that is, the lth layer, which can be shown in Eq. (7).
0.4 Generative adversarial network
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) introduced by Good fellow et al. [119] is one of the most common architectures in unsupervised learning. It consists of a generator (G) and a discriminator (D). The two of them are playing against each other. The G is used to capture the distribution of the input samples and generate fake images from noise prior as close as possible to the real images, so as to deceive the D. In contrast, the D needs to distinguish whether the sample comes from real data or generated data as much as possible. The value function V(D, G) is shown in Eq. (6).
This section summarizes the application of 77 representative articles for the field of deep learning in medical image classification,detection, segmentation and generation.
Pathologic image
For cancer, pathological diagnosis is a gold standard in clinical practice. The conventional diagnostic way is to visually inspect histopathology images by experienced pathologists.
Mammography is one of the most important modes in X-ray images and the main diagnostic tool for breast cancer.
OCT and fundus image
Almost all articles that we surveyed on OCT and fundus images were about classification. OCT and fundus images are diagnostic tools specifically used to examine retinal abnormalities. Diabetic retinopathy (DR), glaucomatous optic neuropathy (GON) and agerelated macular degeneration (AMD) are common retinal diseases.
Endoscopic image
Endoscopy produces video and it always takes a long time to analyze, even for professional endoscopists. There have been Narrow band imaging (NBI) — based deep learning studies about distinguishing normal and abnormal colorectal polyps [44,45]. NBI is one of the most important forms of endoscopy, with three modes of far focus, near focus and normal focus.
Dermoscopic image
Dermoscopic image-based deep learning models are often used to diagnose melanoma. There are two related studies from Heidelberg University in Germany.
EEG and ECG are biological signals and usually seen in clinical diagnosis with special image modalities.
0.2 Applications of detection
Endoscopic image
X-ray and CT
Other images
Endoscopic image
Detection is more challenging in endoscopy than in other ordinary images. For colonoscopy, it consists of thousands of frames, probably 20–35 frames per second. The polyp can be detected in only a few frames [68]. Therefore, real-time detection in endoscopy is of great significance.
X-ray and CT
Both chest radiograph and CT are widely used in clinical diagnosis. Chest radiograph requires less dose but has poorer image quality. In contrast, CT has a wider range of applications and higher image quality. However, even low dose CT scans require 50–100 times radiation dose than single-view chest radiograph [74]
03 Applications of segmentation
Other images
MRI has a superior high-resolution soft-tissue contrast and can display lesions from multiple views (horizontal, coronal, and sagittal, for example). Therefore, it has been most widely used in the diagnosis of pelvic, heart, brain, knee joints and other parts.
Roy et al. [81] developed a framework based on few-short learning and ‘squeeze & excite’ blocks to realize CT volumetric image segmentation. Chen et al. [94] achieved a bidirectional cross-modality adaptation between MRI and CT images via image and feature alignment.
04 pplications for image generation
This section is highly relevant to PET, CT and MR, and GAN is widely welcomed here. In fact, considerable articles also belong to the segmentation task. Here we set them as a separate image generation section, including image generation in a narrow sense, image translation, image denoising, image reconstruction, image attenuation correction, and so on.
The analysis of medical images is an important tool for clinical diagnosis. In this survey, 2068 articles published on PubMed on and before June 26, 2020 about deep learning in medical images were reviewed. The number of articles has experienced exponential growth since 2017.
The main contribution in this survey is providing a descriptive framework for reviewing and using LDA as a quick analysis tool for literature review.